About us

Law firm specialising in Data Protection and Privacy, operating throughout Spain with a team of lawyers who are members of the Bar and experts in the field.

About us

Law firm specialising in Data Protection & Privacy

We include the following services:

At GH, we are a law firm specialised in Data Protection and Privacy, operating nationwide with a team of qualified lawyers and experts in the field.

We excel in the implementation and supervision of security measures and procedures derived from the legal framework of data protection, with special attention to the RGPD and LOPDGDD. At GH, we are committed to personalisation, integrating technology into each of our services.

We offer a permanent service of advice, support and legal defence in Data Protection and Privacy, guaranteeing comprehensive attention to our clients.

What makes us different?

We differentiate ourselves by our extensive experience and specialised knowledge in data protection, offering customised solutions and comprehensive advice covering the entire lifecycle, from audits to incident management and training. We also represent our clients before authorities and in legal proceedings, guaranteeing full support.

Our mission

At GH, our mission is to protect and guarantee our clients' Data Protection and Privacy rights by providing customised solutions tailored to their needs.

We are committed to offering a comprehensive service, combining specialised knowledge and the use of advanced technology, to ensure compliance with current regulations and to defend our clients' interests at all times.

Our vision

We aspire to be a national benchmark in the field of Data Protection and Privacy, standing out for our innovation, adaptability and for offering a human and technological approach at the same time. 

Our vision is to continue to grow as a firm that not only accompanies companies in their regulatory compliance, but also leads the way towards excellence in the management of personal data and privacy.

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